

再推荐《大数据》作者Jeffery Ullman访谈修订版(图灵访谈)直接看第9点

9.Recently, Prof. John Hopcroft has actively engaged in visiting China to give speeches to students and open training classes to college instructors, do you have any plan to visit China too?

No; I do not plan to visit China until the Chinese people are free to speak and to access the Internet as they will, rather than as the Chinese government permits them to. I do not wish to be in a place where I could be jailed for saying what I believe. Let me emphasize that I love the Chinese people, but I hate governments whose power comes not from the people they govern.

I understand the views of Kung Fu-Tse that government has a right to rule but a responsibility to further the interests of the people. In many ways the current government of China does further the people's interests, as measured by the rapid economic growth. But without the ability of the people to debate policy, mistakes will happen and cannot be corrected easily. Probably the clearest recent example was the “cultural revolution”, where the few in power somehow decided that it would be a good thing for educated people to be sent to work on farms. That set China back decades. Think where China would be now if its people had been able to vote out of office the rulers responsible. History shows that people prosper best when there the fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech and Internet access are present. Compare North and South Korea, for example.

So when Google can serve search queries in China and deliver whatever documents are most relevant on a topic, rather than what the government wants its people to see, invite me then. If I am still around, I'd be happy to visit.


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